NRI Data Visualisation 'Lookbook'

A portfolio (sometimes referred to as a lookbook) is an edited collection of … best artwork intended to showcase … style or method of work. A portfolio is used … to show … versatility by showing different samples of current work. Typically, the work reflects … best work or a depth in one specific area of work.

Welcome to Nature Research Intelligence's Data Visualisation 'Lookbook',an online gallery of data visualisations which will aim to showcase innovative projects that harness the power of data visualisation techniques to tell compelling stories and uncover hidden and interesting insights of our data.

Although this is a design portfolio, the term 'Lookbook' is consciously used here to reflect the experimental nature of this project, and to avoid confusion with the official Nature [product] Portfolio comprising the Nature Index, Nature Strategy Reports and Nature Navigator products.

This experimental initiative aims to provide a platform for exploring the diverse ways in which data can be visualised to enhance understanding and decision-making. This 'Lookbook' gallery offers a curated selection of small projects that demonstrate the breadth and depth of possibilities in data visualisation with our data. Each project in our gallery is developed with a specific intention in mind, whether it's to shed light on complex phenomena, track trends over time, or reveal hidden patterns within datasets and will broadly come under one of the following categories:

  • Prototypes for Nature Navigator
  • Bespoke thought-leadership data visualisations
  • Means to promote recently-published journal papers
  • redesigning visualisations/visualisation layers within Springer Nature tools (e.g. Rejection Tracker, Article Market Tracker)
  • visualisations using Nature Index data

From interactive maps and dynamic charts, systematised prototype data visualisations intended for Nature Navigator, or more bespoke thought-leadership-style visual content, we aim to showcase a wide range of techniques to engage and inform audiences in meaningful ways through data visualisation design. With time, our gallery will provide a diverse spread of topical content; something for everyone. Beyond serving as a source of inspiration and exploration, our 'Lookbook' also aims to be a practical resource for inspiration, education and discussion.

See our data in a new light